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Spiacente, questa pagina è al momento disponibile solo in inglese.


How to read the status

The status field will tell the estimated percentage to completion. I decided to use a «half-step» rating mode: each major achievement will fill half of the remaining space. This means that the first major achievement (most of the time essential functionality) will give a full 50%, while the next major step will give 75%, and so on (yes, the project will never be considered complete for obvious reasons).

Overall project status

The TeXPerfect project is currently in the «planning» stage, and I'm currently working on the two main features: the viewer and the editor.

Status: 0%

By now, the project is written in wxPython 2.2

The viewer: Jomp

The viewing component of TeXPerfect is code-named jomp (meaning Just One More Previewer).

Status: 40%

It does run on my system, at least for what I could test.

It has enormous performance problems, both in the PK font parser and in the page displayer. Don't know if this is an implementation-specific problem or a language-specific problem.

Some path specifications and the resolution are hard- or mildly-coded, still (mildly coded meaning that it is parametrized by a variable, but there is no way to change the variable at run-time).

Rules don't seem to behave properly.

Very poor scaling: text is not very legible when the zooming is not close to 1 pixel/point (and the further the worse).

No support for specials.

The editor: Jome

The editing component of TeXPerfect is code-named jome (yes, it means Just One More Editor).

Status: 2%?

I built a very simple class on the wxEditor class. Nothing TeX specific, yet.

I'm thinking about moving it to the wxStyledTextCtrl class (Scintilla [TODO:links]).